Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Beer, cigarettes, cards...

For the past year and or so I have been going to a bar to play cards and drink some frosty brew. At first, my trips started becasue I liked playing cards and I had several "real" friends. I still go becasue I like playing cards, but recently I have been experienceing a forming of a "community." Now, my "real" friends have stopped going and I am left with people I would never normally meet.

The past few months have been very intresting in the sense of forming community. I have found myself in deep converstions dealing with deep issues with my new friends. For the longest time, I just played and consumed beer, now I am still playing, still drinking and maybe helping push back the darkness. Please don't get me wrong, I did not go into the place as an undercover missionary, I didn't have a poket new testament.

Since I have been going life has been lived, not only in my life, but also by the people I find myself around.

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