Monday, January 04, 2010

Thoughts on "Surprised by Hope"

Started reading the newest release from one of my favorite aurthors today, N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church.

"Crucifixion meant that the Kingdom had Hadn't come...Crucifixion meant of a would be Messiah meant that he wasn't the Messiah."

Put yourself in the shoes of John, Peter, and James. You left your entire world behind. Everything is in this coming Kingdom lead by the Messiah, God's chosen one. Your leader, speaks of this coming Kingdom daily. Heals daily. As you travel with this man, your faith builds. You are ready to bring this earthly Kingdom to rule for all the peoples of the world. (Remember, the people wanted to be free from the oppression of the Roman empire and be given "their" land back.)

On this particular monring you are with Jesus and he is taken away and soon there after, he is Dead. Can you Imagine? All your hope is destroyed. Everything you thought was right, is now clearly wrong. Crucifixion means you lost. Your fear and disbelief builds and soons begins to eat away at your faith. You are now one of the crazy men who followed the man who claimed he was God. Crucifixion meant of a would be Messiah meant that he wasn't the Messiah.

Live in this place for a while. Put yourself here. Pray for weakness.

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