Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Faith and the soul

Being Certain and being faithful, in my mind are two different ideas. The book that I am trying to finish for lent, Renewing the Center, by Stan Grenz comments on this idea of tension in the Christian faith. After giving it some thought, I have to say, there is a great deal of difference between these two ideas.

I believed during my developmental years, I was taught that there was no difference between certitude and Fidelity. We were certain that our faith was completely true and that "we" had a market on the authentic faith. My parents did not set out on a mission to bring these two ideas together, but it was part of the fabric of our life, mainly because the church lead people in this direction.

So what is the difference between having certainty and having faith? I believe, there is more of the soul involved with faith. There seems to be more "room" for the movement and fluidity with the idea of faith. However, this seems not to be the case in most congregations in America. There seems to be little room for exploration of doctrine and doubt.

Do you see a difference in the two ideas of certitude and fidelity?

Lent is a time to search deep, a time to question, take your time in your question. Put your sackcloth on, put ashes on your faith and look, search deep.

Living well, holding to enternal things, searching for true faith and wating for God.

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