Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pictures. Jewerly. Clothes.

I was going through some of my dad's stuff tonight and I came across a box that contained my grandfathers things. There was a watch that my Grandfather always wore, along with several rings, a few ball caps and a old custom wood box made for a dearly beloved set of ivory domoines. The next box I came to was a box of my mothers' things. It too, like my grandfather's box, held jewerly that me and my brother gave to her as young kids and several pictures. It was a difficult time. I was trying to sit and not hide from the pain, but really allow the feelings, tears and loss wash over me because I knew somewhere in the middle of the heartache, the Father was seachng and wanting to speak to my spirit. As I was siting, waiting in silence it hit me; I too will be rededuced to a box. As I dicussed yesterday, our life is a blink, in just a few generations we will be but a memeroy, and soon we will be reduced maybe to a single picture, and then we will be forgotten. We will be a great-great-great grandfather that once worked on personal computers or once started a church.

So here is the application of being merely a blink, the things that we hold dear to our hearts, the things that this world offers, the Flat HD TV's, the Rubicon Jeep's, the chasing of the "American Dream", the benjamen's, these things will be sold, broken, used, and everything you acquired will be reduced to a box.

One day, not to long from today, I will draw my last breath and someone will greive my loss, they will take my things, use the things that they want, keep the things that spark a memory and give away things that can't keep. I will began to be forgotten. This lent, let us look past just the "moriality" issues and get down deep into your soul. Dig into yourself and find out what you are chasing. Live your life for those eternal things, seek to spend you money on enternal things and love those things that are enternal.

Ashes to ashes dust to dust.

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