Monday, January 28, 2008


Did you know Mendel, the "Father of Genetics", did not receive any acknowledgement with his work on the garden Pea for nearly thirty-five years? If you don't know Mendel, you probably first learned of him during middle school Biology. He was an Austrian monk who used the first model system, the garden pea plant, to unlock the foundations of what we now call Genetics. He came up with four postulates that directed further thinking about Genetics. Why is it every time in History that a new way of thinking or idea is discovered the general population turns away in disgust? Mendel is just one example, there is a long list to pull from.

I feel that the question has been asked and answered time and time again. And its an easy answer. However, I don't really care about the answer. However, I care a great deal about the question. (I am post-answer generation :) I hope that when I come across a new way of thinking, be great or small that I don't turn my head is disgust. Maybe, I think it is, the secret of discovering newness. Newness can be found everywhere. Let's not add to the list!

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