Every summer from age 6 to 12 my family would go to six flags. I loved these trips. I loved riding the roller coasters but I also loved watching the roller coasters follow the track. It sounds crazy, I know. One particular summer, driving home after our annual trip to six flags I told my dad I wanted to build a small model of the Texas Giant out of toothpicks. My dad asked me why, my response was, "because I like it!" That really wasn't why I wanted to build a small replica, but that was the only reason at the time I had for my dad, but thats not the point. After a few chuckles from him and telling him when I grow up I am going to work at six flags and spend all my money at six flags he told me, "I don't think you will do that, when you grow up roller coasters won't be that important to you, but if you want to build a replica I will buy some toothpicks!"
Over the past three to four years I feel like I have "gown up." I have to say that roller coasters have not been that important to me, in fact I couldn't tell you the last time I went to six flags. However, the message I hear from dear old dad now, is in fact, still true. During our development as real "grown ups" our life takes dramatic turns and somewhere our childhood begins to fade and the pressure of adulthood creeps in. Not that all childhood is good and all adulthood is bad, but there is some childhood tendencies which are good and needs to be kept and some aspects of adulthood needs to be embraced.
The past week, I have been hit in the face with the cold reality know as adulthood. I have been reminded that life is not easy, its hard and its not fair. It takes a lot of work not to be depressed, or maybe it takes a lot of work to be level and contempt. I was talking to someone yesterday and he told me, "life just gets going and you feel really good, then all of the sudden it catches you and kicks you square in the groin!" I have to admit, in my short 27.8 years of life, my life has followed a similar model.
So before you get depressed and exit out of your web browser and never visit this blog again, lets talk about how we can rally together and magnify those when we don't feel defeated.
I have a seven step plan to change the way you feel about yourself.
Are you serious!?
I can't tell you the anger that starts deep down in my bowels when i go by the self help section of the local bookstore and see all the books about steps and ways to make things better for you. (The numerous books confirms that all people follow the model i am setting forth.)
Chances are life is not going to get any easier. Oh wait, we are supposed to be "rallying together."
Needless to say, I don't have a proven seven step plan or some romanticized concept to help you when you been kicked while your down by the pressures of life. All I can say is that the few moments of each day when you do feel like your life matters and you are excited about the possiblities as small as they may be, embrace them. Try to recreate those moments. Maybe its a song you hear on the radio that captivaites your soul and the words embody everything you want or need, buy the song and write down the words and mediate on them. Turn down the lights, turn of the TV, set the blackberry down, light a candle and read the words out loud. Correct me if I am wrong, but is that not what David in the Psalms did? There is something spiritual about music. All music, not just Joyful, Joyful we adore thee.
Those small glimpses of euphoria and deep spiritual experiences is worth fighting for.
And if music isn't your thing then go buy a box of toothpicks.
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